Welcome to the next level...

The Most Advanced Healing, Alignment & Spiritual Expansion Process for Business Leaders & Founders

"The combination of working with both Greg and Tracey is unlike anything I have ever experienced!"

Unlock your highest spiritual gifts and fulfil your calling.

Elevate your relationships and experience more love and connection.

Use your highest gifts to make a lasting impact in the world.

Have you felt that despite achieving great heights, something's missing?

You know there's more. You have a higher calling to fulfil.

But you've tried everything.

And still…

There’s fear, doubt and anxiety.

Your body feels fatigued and burned-out.

You feel spiritually disconnected and cut-off from your true self.

Your relationship is just 'getting by'. Lacking the love, connection, and intimacy you truly crave…

Your growth feels stagnant.

And you’ve invested heavily into self-development.

Reading, exercise, diet, seminars, meditation, coaching, journaling and other modalities…

You feel better for a short while, then you revert back into old habits, programs, beliefs, self-talk, and self-image…

Creating more of the same.

Which creates incredible business results…

But it’s starving the love and happiness from your life. Probably damaging your closest relationships. Maybe you can see the pain in their eyes?

…And to cope with all this, maybe you turn to distractions like alcohol, drugs, porn, technology, or more late nights at work.


After working with hundreds of CEOs and founders running multi-million and billion dollar companies…

Greg and Tracey discovered this is where most high-achieving and gifted leaders find themselves...

The truth is, what drove you to become successful, is blocking you from the love and happiness you desire.

The problem is,

It's hard for the ego to let go of this version of yourself...

Because at some point in your life…

Something happened.

It created pain, and it’s stuck with you (it probably fueled you)

...And in that moment, you made an agreement with yourself to do whatever it takes to avoid this pain.

And success was the answer…

But now it’s blocking you from expanding your entire life.

Your ego fears change will cost success.

But you don't need to sacrifice success.

In fact, you can achieve even more in business, while experiencing more fulfilment than ever before in every area of your life...

The answer is multi-dimensional healing and alignment.

Because if you want to update the programs and beliefs that your ego is holding onto...You need to heal the past.

This is what The Evolved CEO Process will do for you…  

When you go through this process you will:

Heal neurological structure that keep your body stuck in deep-survival-stress (a state where you body cannot heal or repair - a huge cause to illness, disease and even cancer).

You will heal your glands and organs - revitalizing your hormones, energy, mood, and digestion.

You will clear subconscious negative programs and beliefs, this will allow you to breakthrough barriers that have been keeping you stuck for years (maybe even decades).

You will reconnect with your soul’s divine gift.

You will fully harness and embrace the unique powers you posses in this lifetime.

You will remove Epstein-Barr Virus, a virus that feeds of stress, that throws your body in a state of fatigue, dysfunction, and vulnerable to illness and disease…

You will remove dark entities and energies that are causing interference with your energy, mental health, and your spiritual connection…

Maybe some of these concepts are new to you

...And that's fine.

Fact is, you don’t need more information, more habits or coaching. You need to unlearn information. You need to rediscover your truth (and remove the egoic programs)

Imagine…Living, breathing, and embodying your highest truth.

Connecting with your purpose.

Living in alignment with your highest authentic self. And Stepping out of the egoic mind that is constantly comparing, competing, and controlling out of fear (Which attracts more undesirable outcomes).

This is how Greg and Tracey help CEOs and Founders expand on every dimension of mind, body, and soul.

Are you ready to become an Evolved CEO?

A leader, husband and father that is clear on his purpose. Manifesting the experiences you truly desire… to better yourself and everyone around you.

Are you ready to have an abundance of love, joy and fulfilment in your life - Where your energy, words, and actions create an impact and legacy everyone appreciates.…

While also creating and manifesting more success in your business or career than ever before (if that’s what you choose to create).

Welcome to The Evolved CEO Process.

The Next Level of Success, Love & Happiness.

Here's the truth. Feeling stuck, unhappy, frustrated, confused, distracted or exhausted are all symptoms of something much deeper...

The Evolved CEO process goes straight to the root cause, the source of why you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, and not living in alignment with your greatest potential.

The only way to expand your highest potential is to work on all levels of yourself simultaneously as they are all one...

The Evolved CEO process has helped 100+ successful CEOs & founders who had done years of personal development, coaching, counselling, therapy, etc. to finally experience the long-term breakthroughs and transformation they have always been looking for.

The Evolved CEO process is a 100% customized done-for-you healing and alignment experience for elite founders and business leaders.  

It works by accessing your deepest Neurological, Physiological, and Spiritual frameworks to heal, align & expand your Mind, Body, Energy & Spiritual connection, so you can experience living in alignment with your highest potential, and divine truth…


the journey to real transformation

Mental health

Reprogram, Balance & Heal Your Mind

Your Mind is the highest organizational structure in your body, so it's critical to heal & balance neurological structures.

The combination of past unconscious programs and the effects of long-term neurological stress are the two most significant causes of blocks and restrictions in the mind.

Greg's ability to access & reprogram of your unconscious mind from the source of your limiting beliefs, programs, conflicts and emotional anchors formed in childhood is the fastest way to release mental blocks holding you back or causing unwanted mental conflict, doubt, and fear.

Tracey takes your neurological healing to another level as she can energetically heal & balance your brain's neurological structures, neurotransmitters, and neutral pathways, reversing the long-term effects of mental stress, PTSD, trauma, imbalance, and so much more.

The combination of Greg & Tracey's skills and gifts in releasing negative past programs, influences, emotional blocks, belief systems, along with healing deep neurological structures, neurotransmitters, and neutral pathways in the brain ... Is life-changing! and this is only 1 part of the process...

Our clients experience a fast expansion in consciousness, mental clarity, focus, and emotional control resulting in a calm mind, a new sense of self, inner peace, and contentment...

Physical health

Healing & Balancing Your Body & Energy

As your Mind and Body are interconnected through the central and autonomic nervous system you can not heal and align one without the other…

Tracey's ability to channel and heal your energy through surrogacy makes her a unique and gifts healer.

She creates customized healings plans for each client following a complete energetic audit of all your bodies systems, glands, and organs.

The human body has the most incredible healing ability once it's in balance and harmony, however for most people, this is not the case ... which is why Tracey needs to find the deepest underlying cause of why a client is not in optimal physical health and to poor health…She will heal deep survival stress build up in your nervous system, adrenals, organs, and glands... including healing your digestive system, endocrine system, Epstein Barr virus, and much much more.

This is beyond nutrition, exercise, and sleep! They are essential for support, yet for most Business Leaders the years of stress, toxicity, poor habits etc deteriorate your health, energy levels, and vitality … without healing the deepest underlying cause which for 95% of clients is Epstein Barr virus and adrenal dysfunction, then exercise and nutrition alone is not enough.

The combination of healing and balancing the Mind and Body is simply life-changing, which is why our clients experience an abundance of energy and vitality, their minds and body start functioning at optimal levels making positive habit choices easy … Any deep stress, anxiety or poor food cravings start to disappear…

Spiritual health

Heal & Align Your Soul & Spiritual Connection

We are spiritual beings having a human experience! Tracey's ability to work at the highest spiritual, universal, and multi-dimensional levels makes her 1 of the most powerful Spiritual entities in the World.

She has the ability to release the highest levels of dark energy and entities from your soul & spiritual matrix ... All human beings attract dark energy and entities through millions of life experiences, people, mental programs, events, trauma, suffering, stress, self-sabotage, even negative self-talk etc etc

By healing and releasing the energy and entities you gain a clear channel to your highest spiritual guidance, aligning with your soul's divine blueprint, and your connection with God… this creates levels of connection, expansion, and manifestation like no other... As we are multi-dimensional beings then all Spiritual healing goes hand in hand with mental & physical healing.

To truly expand spiritually you need to heal your mental, physical, and spiritual frameworks simultaneously (there is no other way). If 5% of a human's potential is physical then 95% is spiritual!

This is why The Evolved CEO is the most powerful healing, alignment, and expansion process in the World!

Relationships Dynamics

Healing & Evolving Your Closest Relationships

Greg specializes in breaking negative programs, beliefs, emotions, energy & connections with your closest relationships so you can evolve them or let them go.

Every human's deepest unconscious relationship dynamics are formed in early childhood brain developmental stages by identifying, healing, and releasing your negative foundational beliefs, behaviors, limitations, and emotional anchors formed in your mind unconsciously through childhood you can expand all relationships & dynamics past and present.

This includes Dad, Mum, Siblings, extended family, wife, children, ex-partners, even school teachers, bosses or business partners…We are met with Relationship Dynamics every single day , and if you don't understand, process & heal your deepest programs you will continue to be triggered into drama and conflict leaving you frustrated and drained.

If you want to evolve as a husband, father, son, friend, and business leader then your unconscious mind and energy within all relationships need to heal and evolve Greg & Tracey are masters at transforming relationship dynamics by bringing the highest levels of consciousness, along with healing the energetic connection between people.

This creates enormous positive change in both professional relationships and personal relationships with loved ones and people who are aligned with the best version of you!

Business, Impact & Legacy

Intuitive Advisory & Business Consulting

This is beyond business coaching and traditional advisory services ... As you heal and align your mind, body, energy, soul & relationships, you will create the most profound levels of trust with Greg and Tracey as they always work in alignment with your highest spiritual self and your Souls divine purpose.

This is why we help clients unlock their highest purpose, impact, and legacy by intuitively advising and guiding them toward their highest path.

We will help you navigate the mental stress and chaos of high-level business.

Greg helps clients create business succession plans to create the time and financial freedom for the next level of life, opportunity, and growth.

Greg and Tracey will help you continue expanding consciousness, relationships,  leadership, emotional intelligence, energetic vibration, influence, and impact...This is where intentional manifestation happens, aligning and attracting abundance in all areas of your life. Through this whole healing process, clients start looking at success through a different lens… after you let go of all the weight, stress & exhaustion you've been carrying, you find a new sense of self and fast realize you have only scratched the surface of your true potential... There is always another Level, as your Spiritual potential is infinite


The Evolved CEO, led by Greg and Tracey Gillies, is an advanced healing, alignment & spiritual expansion process that works.

If you feel you have blocks and restrictions mentally, physically, and spiritually holding you back from your highest potential, fulfillment, and impact... then this deep healing, alignment, and manifestation process could be for you.

If you want to become the absolute best version of yourself, align with your highest spiritual guidance and create more love, connection, and impact in your personal & professional life, then apply to talk to Greg below



A lot of The Evolved CEO clients (some of the greatest transformations) prefer to remain confidential.

"I've not had a drink for nearly four months and feel the happiest I've ever been. My relationships are stronger, and I feel aligned with a higher power. The opportunities are flowing, and every area of my life has seen a massive improvement. Your program is truly holistic, addressing mind, body, and energy."

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I get up in the morning every morning, ready for the day, unlike before when it felt like a chore. Now, I actually want to get out there. It's changed my life completely. I'm landing contracts I only dreamed of before. My confidence has skyrocketed. The improvements extend beyond just work; my health and focus have improved significantly. I used to struggle with brain fog and anxiety, but not anymore. My personal relationships have improved too; my communication with my partner is on another level now. All of this transformation in just over four months.

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"Greg, in the conversations that we've had, we covered a lot of great stuff in terms of the healing and moving forward, and then with Tracey from an energy perspective, again, just brings a completely different set of tools and talents that, again just you can't find anywhere else.

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Before working with Tracey and the team, I struggled with overanalyzing, which was affecting both my personal life and my work. I was becoming isolated, frustrated, and felt overwhelmed. However, their program taught me to trust the process and not overanalyze. I've gained more self-awareness and have learned to be present, which has improved both my business and personal relationships. My leadership, connection with my family, and overall happiness have transformed significantly. If you're considering their program, just jump in and allow the process. The work that Greg and Tracey do will elevate you to a new level.

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Well, for me personally, the program has been transformative. I feel like it's been life-changing. Now I'm on the path to fulfilling my potential both personally and professionally. I've managed to understand myself much better, clear conditioning from my childhood, and now I'm in a much more positive place in my life, more focused on my purpose and passions. My energy levels have drastically improved; I feel great both spiritually and physically. From a professional standpoint, there are opportunities coming my way, and I'm achieving goals we've set together. My advice to others considering this program is to be honest with yourself and, if you're not getting the outcome you want in life, have the confidence to start the journey to fulfill your potential. I feel I'm in the best place in my life, and I credit Greg for that.

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I got to be honest, Greg. It's better than I ever imagined. And it's only been five months. I met the girl of my dreams, my companies are thriving, and I'm just really excited for the future. For other businessmen and entrepreneurs, I'd honestly say don't wait. The investment will pay off tenfold in a short period of time. Words can't explain the weight that will get lifted off your shoulders. Just go for it.

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"Before joining the transformational coaching program, while I was successful in business, I struggled with self-worth. Even with my achievements, I never felt like I truly deserved them. Through the coaching process, I've come to realize my own self-worth and understand the profound effects certain events had on my life. I'm no longer just chasing things; I've found calmness and clarity in my journey. The main takeaway? Business courses are important, but if you haven't addressed your internal dialogue, your growth is limited. This coaching doesn't just tell you how to do better in business, it aligns your internal voice with your true potential."

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"Their program helped me shift my perspective and let go of the emotional burdens I'd been carrying. It's more than just personal development; it's about lasting change. I've seen incredible transformations in both myself and friends who've been through the program. Greg and Tracey's approach feels genuinely caring and non-judgmental, allowing me to address even the most embarrassing issues. I can't express enough how grateful I am for the changes they've helped me make in my life."

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"So between both of your influences on me and coaching, it's really allowed me to avoid analysis paralysis and press on, allowing myself to take on projects that maybe I wouldn't have done this time last year due to fear and the unknown. Personally and business-wise, I'm a lot more consciously aware of my goals and how to achieve them. It's not just philosophical; it's real action-taking with tangible results and tools. With an engineering background, I value tangible results, and I can see now that I'm really getting that value. It's enabled me to leave my regular employment last year and set up on my own, giving me the confidence and tools to do so. To others considering this type of coaching, I'd say at least open yourself up to the initial conversation, understand where you're at, and see the potential upside. There's nothing to lose. I should have done this years ago."

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"I've learned to let go of self-limiting beliefs and embrace vulnerability. I've relearned the value of spending quality time with my family, and my approach to communication has evolved. It's essential to know that seeking help isn't a sign of weakness; everyone needs guidance at some point. This journey has positively impacted my mindset, relationships, and daily habits. I would encourage others, not to go through challenges alone but to reach out."

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I felt that I had everything that I ever wanted in life, but there was something missing. I was constantly striving, constantly running and chasing my tail. I was tired, weighed down by deep unhappiness and anxiety. But now, by focusing on my mental health, I feel healthy and liberated. You don't have to carry all that anxiety around with you. It's about being present, understanding and addressing your emotions, and taking steps toward healing.

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I felt like I was losing grip on life. Then I joined this program, and it has genuinely opened my eyes on how to be a better man. Today, I'm a happier person, better father, and a more successful businessman. The biggest change I experienced is self-love. To anyone considering joining, just do it and go all in. You're in good hands with Greg

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"I feel more at peace with myself. I'm not endlessly chasing things anymore. For other businessmen considering this coaching, if you haven't fixed your internal dialogue, no business opportunity will fully benefit you. This course helps align your inner voice with your goals. It's been transformative for me."

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"12 months ago, I entered the 1 to 1 life coaching program feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unable to fix the ongoing issues in my life. After working with Tracy and the team, I gained a heightened sense of awareness, enabling me to view challenges from a different perspective. Instead of reacting, I began to respond, realizing my role in the situations. As COVID hit, my business and personal life faced immense challenges. However, with the tools and mindset I gained from the program, not only did my business triple its revenue, but I also navigated life's challenges with more calm and positivity. The program isn't about someone else transforming your life; it's about clearing obstacles and gaining clarity on what's essential. The changes indeed last a lifetime if you're ready to support and commit to yourself."

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"I've been following yourself and Greg for quite a long time now. Going through this process with you both has been life-changing. The changes are everywhere. The biggest realization I had is that my happiness comes first. Spiritually, the work has been amazing, and opportunities are just flowing in. My relationship with my family has greatly improved. The sessions have been enlightening, and it's really opened me up. This process has been very life changing. If anyone is thinking about working with you guys, just be open to the process. What comes out of it is life changing. Just be open to it and you'll be surprised by what opens up for you in your life."

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Working with Greg transformed my mindset and life. He provided me with a framework to become more self-aware, to focus on myself first, and to break free from negative habits that held me back. Since working with Greg, I've never been as comfortable and as happy within myself. Even though life isn't always perfect, I can manage challenges more effectively and have better relationships. To other men facing similar challenges: it's vital to focus on you first. Getting yourself right can make everything else fall into place. Greg, thank you for the transformative work we've done over the past months; it's made me a better human being.

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"Before joining the program, I was in a state of complete confusion and felt like I was sinking all the time. From the first session, I started to see changes almost immediately. Every session made me feel better and better. Now, after completing the program, my work life has improved, my relationship with my fiance is better than ever, and I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since the start. My advice to those considering this program is to just go for it. I wish I had done it sooner. This program has completely changed my life. It feels like I'm literally floating, and I hadn't felt this good in probably about ten years."

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"Working with Greg and Tracy over the past three months was intense, but the rewards have been immense. While it was challenging at times, I've emerged more relaxed, taking control in many areas of my life, especially with my business and family. This program has given me a new outlook; the minor things that used to worry me no longer affect me. I now approach life from a fresh perspective, feeling more energized and revitalized. For any businessmen hesitant about this program, don't let the opinions of others deter you. It's about prioritizing your well-being and embracing the journey. It's been transformative for me, and I can't recommend it enough."

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The Power Couple Behind the Most Advanced Healing, Alignment & Spiritual Expansion Process…


Greg is a Transformational Coach & Advisor to Business Leaders.

Greg's spent the last two decades mastering what it means to have true success, love, and happiness. Greg's journey in life is a never-ending search for expansion, self-actualization, and fulfillment.

From climbing corporate ladders, and building multi-million dollar Businesses to mastering human conditioning, the masculine mind, emotional intelligence, conscious leadership, and relationship dynamics to expanding his intuitive spiritual connection

Greg takes his life journey, experience, intuitive abilities & years of training, and qualifications to help other successful business leaders and founders awaken their best selves and elevate every area of life.

Greg's mission is to help powerful Masculine Leaders find and live in alignment with their Soul's divine truth, and create a life of abundance of success, love, and happiness, which will elevate and impact the people they care about in this world.By helping powerful Business Leaders heal from the inside out as I did, they create inner peace, success, love, and happiness.

The ripple effect of helping more powerful Leaders go through this awakening and expansion process will profoundly impact millions of other people's lives ...

The Evolved CEO ripple effect is well and truly happening


Tracey is a leading Spiritual & Energy Healer to other globally recognised healers.

Tracey is a leader in her field due to her unique gifts and abilities to work at the highest universal and multi-dimensional levels. Her energy is so powerful that she can bring another person's energy into her body and read their complete energetic makeup on a multidimensional level.

You see, when it comes to healing, and energy, everyone is completely unique and requires exactly what they need. So working with clients at the deepest levels of mind, body, energy, and spirit is critical to one's healing journey and awakening their highest soul gifts.

We are multidimensional beings with greater capabilities and potential than we could ever comprehend.

Tracey is a conduit for this very thing, she is the connection point and the facilitator for your divine power to be brought forth into the world. Her passion and purpose is to heal people on a multi-dimensional level so they can also unlock their soul's gifts to create a greater impact in the World.

Due to her energy and soul vibration rate, Tracey has the ability to work with influential leaders and other spiritual healers who have exceptional gifts themselves – often unrealized at the highest level.

Now its your turn to go on your healing and alignment journey...

And Discover your unique gifts that have waited a lifetime to finally be realised.


Who Is This For?

Founders, CEO's, & Entrepreneurs who are ready to go through an incredible inner transformation, healing, and alignment process so they can create the level of success, love, and happiness they truly desire.

Do you only work with CEO?

No, The Evolved CEO is designed for Elite CEO's, founders & Entrepreneurs to help heal, align and transform into their highest spiritual self This is an advanced 1:1 process so we are very selective in the clients we take on and only work with 10 clients at a time

Where Will Coaching Be Hosted?

All sessions are done Online via Zoom, Phone and via Energetic Surrogacy healing, we work with people all over the World.

Does it Take Up Much Time?

No, our healing and energy processes create an enormous Impact for relatively little time ... We do most of the work to help you heal at the deepest neurological, physiological, and spiritual levels.

How Long is the Program?

We start clients with a healing and alignment process over 4 or 6 months... A lot of our clients wish to continue working with us long-term at this point we create the best solution for the individual